Top Tips For Cutting Asphalt

Asphalt is, by nature, a tough and hard substance. However, various physical and environmental aspects can cause it to become damaged. Whether you’re looking to repair or completely replace degraded asphalt there will be a need to cut it. The following explains the most effective and safest methods in which to carry this out.

Gather the Right Equipment

As with any building, maintenance, or construction task, using the right equipment is crucial for both user-safety and a successful finish.

When cutting asphalt the most vital tool is the blade. In this instance, it’s necessary to use a diamond asphalt cutting blade. This is specifically designed for the task and comes in both wet and dry options. Wet blades require water during use to keep them cool and lubricated and have a harder bond than their dry counterparts.

A diamond asphalt blade is designed to wear as it cuts, exposing a new layer of grit. This ensures a sustained level of cutting as you go. It’s worth mentioning that many people mistakenly think that a jackhammer is a good asphalt cutting tool. This, however, is not the case, because the sustained impact of the machine can weaken the surrounding area, therefore causing further damage at a later date.

Follow the Correct Steps to Safely Cut the Surface

  1. Sweep the area: Doing this thoroughly removes all debris to ensure safety for both the equipment and workers. Stones and dirt not only damage the blade and tools, but can be propelled at speed and cause injury.

  2. Mark the cutting lines: For the best results it’s necessary to extend the repair to where the asphalt is in good condition. This provides a strong area of asphalt onto which the repair will bond. Straight cuts are necessary – don’t make around or irregular repair. Mark the lines with chalk and then dent them using a hammer and screwdriver. This will create an easy path for the blade to follow.

  3. Get cutting: Dig down so you know how deep you’ll need to cut and set the blade to this depth. All cuts should be straight, so guide the blade to the end of the line, stop the machine and remove the blade. Lift the blade out, reposition to the next cut and start the machine again. The key point is not to turn the blade while it’s running as this will damage or break the blade.

Renovation of the Asphalt

Potholes can be repaired by carrying out the above three steps, clearing away the debris and dry it if wet (or allow it to air dry). Then fill the hole with new asphalt from the edges inward and level using a specialist aluminium rake. Do avoid over-raking as this will cause larger materials to rise to the surface and a weaker finish.

Cracks in asphalt are caused by issues such as traffic, weather, growing tree roots and natural earth movement. Dealing with these before they become too great is key, and they can be cleared of debris and then repaired with professional fillers. This will help prevent them from spreading and needing more aggressive renovation at a later date.

Asphalt Maintenance

Good maintenance of asphalt surfaces is key to longevity. This can be effectively actioned by using a seal coating every 2-3 years. Doing this will minimise damage and decay, leading to many years of the integrity of an asphalt surface.

Perth-based Concrete Hire is WAs premier supplier of all asphalt cutting tools and other concreting equipment. Find out more about the ultimate in hire, sales and maintenance of such equipment at or call their expert team on 1300 048 521 who’ll be delighted to advise.