Clean-up Your Concrete Floor This Christmas

Clean-up Your Concrete Floor

Concrete floors in commercial and industrial facilities take a pounding during the year, so the Christmas shutdown is an excellent opportunity to get them back into top condition and ready to handle another busy season of foot traffic and rough treatment.

Even though concrete is an excellent low-maintenance and hard-wearing flooring option, it does need some care and attention to keep it performing at its best.  

Is your floor very dirty or dusty?  Does it have old adhesives or coatings on it?  Do you think it needs sealing?  Is it level?  Are there uneven patches? 

Your floor is probably one of your hardest workers - so you need to treat it properly to ensure its continued high performance. 

Cleaning and maintenance of your concrete floor should be an ongoing priority because a dirty or damaged floor can be a hazard in more ways than one.  It can be a safety risk.  It can lead to disruptions in your business operations and it can cause problems with your machinery or materials handling equipment.  It may even result in unwelcome and unexpected repair costs. 

So, if your business closes its doors over the festive season, consider using the quiet time to clean your concrete floor.

Cleaning a concrete floor can involve pressure washing or chemical cleaning to remove stains and blemishes - or it may involve grinding or honing the surface to get rid of imperfections, coatings or high spots.   Regardless of what your particular requirements are, the Christmas shut-down is the ideal opportunity to have a good look at your flooring, work out what needs to be done to restore it to optimum levels and then hire concrete equipment in order to get the job done.

For example, a heavy-duty ride-on floor scrubber would be ideal for fast cleaning of concrete floors in a bigger industrial or commercial property.  These machines comfortably handle large surface areas quickly and efficiently, yet are easy to handle and manoeuvre.  But there are plenty of different size scrubber options to choose from - and a concrete equipment hire specialist will help determine which one is best suited to your needs.

If you’re going to be polishing the concrete floor at your commercial or industrial facility during the Christmas shut-down, remember to use the appropriate concrete equipment to achieve your desired finish.  Polishing concrete can lower your maintenance requirements and enhance the strength, functionality and abrasion-resistance of your floor, but you will need specialised equipment that has the appropriate abrasion tooling.

Concrete Hire will be up and running throughout the holiday period, so why not give them a call to discuss your concrete cleaning and maintenance requirements?  They have an extensive range of specialised concrete equipment for hire in Perth and will give you professional advice on how to get the most from your concrete floor. 

Clean up while your office has cleared out by getting in touch with them at or phone them on 1300 048 521.